Welcome to the Light and
Body website. Our products
are all handcrafted, and made in the USA. Light and Body is a trade
name of the Moyer Family, and we personally operate LNB. Please browse
around our site and see all we have to offer. Candle making has been a
family hobby for several decades. Now we have decided to offer our
items on the internet. All our items are high quality, but this
high quality will not kill your wallet. You will find our items very
affordable for your everyday use.
We are based
in the Cleveland/Akron, Ohio area and participate in several shows, and
craft events throughout the year. We also have our products in several
nice stores. You can find us via the "Store Locations & Shows" link
to the left.
Note: We do not use lead core wicks, in fact we use coreless
wicks in all our candles which is considered by all sources we have
found to be considered the best type of wick to use.
WANT TO EARN?: We now do home parties. This is a great way to
earn some fabulous free product of your choice. Give us a call today
or e-mail us and will get you all the details.
Do you have a store front, office, or simply want to sell our product?
We are also looking for distributors of our wonderful products. Call or
e-mail us today for details on this great program to earn some extra